week 36 2923
And so here you go, the week 36 show, an hour of great indigenous made music. With Ailani, Ashley Ghostkeeper, Raye Zaragoza, Night Shield & Kilo Trackz, Ghostkeeper, iskwē, Julian Taylor, Stuart James, Matthew Hawk Music, Lauren Reno & Jevon Alexander, Hotel Mira, Spek & Kinnie Starr Fan Club, Cody Coyote, Marx Cassity, and QVLN – Quetzal Guerrero.
The show goes out in Europe on Resonance 104.4fm, radio AGORA 105,5, Proton – das freie Radio, Radio FRO, Radio Freequenns – Das freie Radio im Ennstal, & Radio Onde Furlane and as a podcast on Fridays from Pantheon Podcasts.