Week 03 2023
A mix of Rock, Black Metal, Ska, 70s, Hip Hop, singer/songwriter, Contemporary Inuit, and Country from these amazing indigenous artists on this week’s show – Mink DeVille, Thelma Cheechoo, Bebe BuckSkin, It’z RaiRai Music, Qattuu, Joey Stylez, Quinn Christopherson, Looee, XIT Native American Rock Band, Errol Ranville & Cweed Band, Pan-Amerikan Native Front, Crystal Shawanda, Zigz Gaud, Chevy Beaulieu Music, and Theland and Rise,
The show goes out in Europe on Resonance 104.4fm, radio AGORA 105,5, Proton – das freie Radio Radio FRO, Radio Freequenns – Das freie Radio im Ennstal, & Radio Onde Furlane and as a podcast on Fridays from Pantheon Podcasts.