Kamatsiaqtut Nunavut Helpline
The Inuktitut name for the current service is Kamatsiaqtut (meaning ‘thoughtful people who care’). The initial operation started with 14 volunteers, who underwent 16 hours of training. The motto of the Line was “Helping others help themselves”. Kamatsiaqtut is for everyone, not just people who are in crisis or suicidal, although we do hear from callers who do need that type of support. If someone finds themselves needing someone to talk to, whether lonely, hurting, in distress, needing information or want to share some news, good or bad, we are there to listen, assist and support.
Fundraiser for the Helpline ?❤️ Stream or download here https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/ajungi/ajungi
The album features Shauna Seeteenak, Angela Amarualik, Mister, Aasiva, Kelly Fraser, Stuart Qiyuk, Aocelyn, Uyarakq (Greenland) N-16, Bardur (Faroe Is.), Thor Simonsen, Annie Petaulassie, Northern Knowledge, Strong Minded Inuit, Manic Range, JBRTN Music, 666god, Mimi, Kirby: News + Updates, and Ehski!
To learn about the album more, go to www.ajungi.ca To learn more about the helpline go to http://nunavuthelpline.ca