Lakota Nation vs. United States
Lakota Nation vs. United States premieres at Tribeca Film Festival. Written and narrated by acclaimed Oglala poet Layli LongSoldier, co-directed by Jesse Short Bull and Laura Tomaselli, with original soundtrack by Raven Chacon, this powerful new documentary is a searing testament to the strength of the Oyate and a visually stunning rejoinder to the distorted image of a people long-shaped by Hollywood.
Indigenous Photographer Camille Seaman
Indigenous Photographer Camille Seaman interviewed
A Native American faces teargas, baton charges and rubber bullets – Camille Seaman’s best photograph
Dan Nanamkin would show up at the Standing Rock pipeline protest in full regalia every day. On the other side of the blockade was a massive armed force – but he sang all the time
MMIW Trucker
Gord Hill artist and writer
Gord Hill is a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw nation whose territory is located on northern Vancouver Island and adjacent mainland in the province of “British Columbia. He has been involved in Indigenous people’s and anti-globalization movements since 1990. He has published – The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book (2010) The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book: From the WTO to the G20 (2012) The Antifa Comic Book (2018) Direct Action Gets the Goods: A Graphic History of the Strike in Canada (2019) The 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance Comic Book: Revised and Expanded (2021) all available online
Tracy Charette Fehr
Métis artist’s Winnipeg Art Gallery exhibit goes back 250 years to honour women in her family | CBC News
Tracy Charette Fehr traced the history of seven generations of Métis women in her family back to 1770 and crafted 250 handmade, fire-smoked bowls to recognize those women in her new exhibit.
Indigenous Art
Paul created graphic art for 4 episodes of Telling Our Twisted Histories
Mi’kmaw artist Robin Paul is on a healing journey to return to painting | CBC News
It was Paul’s uncle who pushed her to pursue art and writing, but when he passed away two years ago she found it hard to pick up a pen or brush.
Gathering of Nations
Wall To Wall
ChangeMakers: Tufawon, music as an art of resistance
Dakota and Boricua hip-hop artist Rafael Gonzalez, known as Tufawon, wants to hear Indigenous music on heavy rotation on every station. His music blends his experiences growing up and his visions for the future of Indigenous people.
“Speaking from the Indigenous perspective, when growing up, we would have a chapter in history class about Natives, and it was very watered down,” he said. “It was almost like in high school, my teachers kind of gave me this awakening.”
Since then he has traveled as far as Switzerland and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation fighting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, performing and making new music along the way.