Mi’gmafrica is the musical encounter between Mandinka culture, with Sadio Sissokho, Emeritus Griot of Senegal, and Mi’gmaq culture, with Valérie Ivy Hamelin, multidisciplinary artist from the Micmac Nation of Gespeg. The melodies, songs, tributes to the elders and prayers combine gently and powerfully, to bring you to the confines of the history of humanity. Two traditions, two continents, which draw their inspiration and strength from the same sources, the roots of the earth and Creation. Sadio shares, on kora and voice, the traditional Mandinka songs received from his father and Valérie Ivy shares some traditional Mi’gmaq songs, accompanied by her hand drum, her flute and her voice. Together, they present these revisited songs, as well as compositions, in which the Mi’gmaq, Mandinka, Wolof and French languages intertwine with magic and beauty.